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    Business Conference

    Moxton Education provides consultancy to help Manufacturers, Managed Service Providers, Systems Integrators, and Application developers build an ethical and sustainable businesses in education. 

    This part of our business is designed to complement the consulting business that works directly with Schools, Trusts and Colleges. Given that many of the Moxton staff have worked in both Education and Commercial businesses that support Schools we know that sometimes businesses, both large and small that work within the Education sector can do with support. This could be to help with a range of tasks such as ‘getting fit for growth’, developing partner networks, launching new products, supporting business re-organisation, mergers and acquisitions or supporting large and complex bids.

    National Education Network (NEN)


    NEN - The National Education Network works with industry and the government to implement and raise standards for the benefit of learners. NEN also takes the lead in providing advice and support for schools on aspects of online safety. Moxton worked with NEN to design and document a set of standards for school network design.


    London Grid for Learning (LGfL)

    Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)


    Moxton Education undertook a review of the 3rd party organisations that support Schools, Academies and Trusts with an LGfL connection. As a result of this a new Partner Agreement has been developed and rolled out to over 75 partner organisations bringing benefit to both parties and ensuring that Schools get the best possible services from both organisations.

    HPE are one of the world’s largest IT Manufacturers. Moxton Education supported them to launch a new service to the public sector which incorporated both hardware, software and cloud. This contract reported to HPE globally in Houston and worked with all the key staff in the UK.


    Cambridge Education Academy Trusts

    Moxton Education have supported Cambridge Education over a number of years to deliver their consultancy services with respect to Multi Academy Trusts. As a result of this we have delivered strategy sessions to over 30 trusts.

    Get Fit for Growth

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    During 2020 Moxton continued where it left off in 2019 undertaking a number of activities with various small to medium education businesses. The focus of this work was to help them develop both in terms of organic growth and also ensuring that the company itself is ready to work with customers, such as trusts, who need a much more partner driven multi-channel relationship

    Crown Commercial Services 


    The Crown Commercial Services has recently retendered its Education ICT Framework (RM1050) which has now become RM6103.
    Moxton Education supported both an existing supplier and 2 new suppliers to get onto this framework. We are delighted that all 3 companies were selected.

    Invest NI (Northern Ireland) 


    Invest NI are the government investment body supporting businesses in Northern Ireland. During 2019 Moxton Education won work from Invest NI to support their Education Technology Collaboration group. There are 15 innovative business in the group from small start-ups to large £20m+ t/o. Moxton Education worked with the group to draw up a scoping report that will inform a potential ‘Stage 2’ which over 18 months will help them develop and expand their businesses on the mainland and overseas.



    Recono offer an innovative and ‘all inclusive’ way of managing IT Assets and, as necessary, disposing of them free of charge. Moxton Education advised Recono on strategies to sell into the education market and develop their offer.



    BOOP is an app that supports pupils with Autism both in school and the home. It was developed by Limejar Ltd which is based in Belfast. During 2020 Moxton worked alongside BOOP to support the development of the product into an MVP (minimum viable product), sales messaging, the development of a business plan for 2021 and a range of wider marketing activities.


    OKdo is wholly owned by RS Components, who are a globally recognised IT Component organisations. OKdo is the UK based part of the business which is focussed on IoT. It also distributes Raspberry Pi and BBC Micro-bit among other SBC solutions. Moxton is supporting OKdo further develop it education focussed strategy.


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    Moxton House, Brant Broughton, Lincoln, LN5 0SA

    © 2023 Moxton Group

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